OneStone Math is a revolutionary calculus program incorporating stunning 2 and 3D graphics and a powerful symbolic math engine in an easy to use format. An extensive and expandable feature set provides tools for graphical and numerical analysis of functions, derivatives, integrals and vectors. OneStone Math builds on the technology showcased in our 3DSurface Viewer, but provides far greater capabilities.
Features include:
-up to 8 curves/surfaces can be displayed at once;
contour and grid lines can be superimposed directly on surfaces at user-defined intervals;
-2 and 3D graphs are depicted simultaneously, permitting, for example, the viewing of level curves in a traditional 2D format while also seeing their actual spatial relationships in 3D;
-images and text can be printed, or copied to the clipboard for use in other documents;
-uses OpenGL 3D graphics, exploiting the capabilities of modern graphics cards to produce instantaneous response to user input;
-last but not least, it's inexpensive enough for any student's budget!